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The great Valley of BlueBell. A once adored location by all who enjoyed the coast line and the open air. It was a land rich in nature and rumored to be the home of a goddess. 

Oh how lively were the small streets of the town, filled with chatter and tourists.

Alas, as the empires and kingdoms grew, BlueBell became forgotten by the citizens. Those who sought greater things set off to greater cities, leaving behind a plot of land who used to stand above all.

BlueBell's population slowly diminished. Businesses became ruined, livelihoods threatened. A great deal of citizens left one by one, emptying the town. Those who stayed struggled to get by, but remained loyal to their hometown.

Eventually, BlueBell would be threatened by nearby countries. Unless improvement presented itself, the town would be sold off and destroyed by one of the nearby kingdoms. 

Hopeless and chagrined, the town fabricated one last plan in hopes of saving their beloved town.

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