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Ready to create your new BlueBell Resident?! Please download the application below and draw your character there for the visual part of the process. It's important for each villager to have their passport!

  • Character: Draw your fullbody of your OC

  • Profile: Draw a Headshot of your OC

  • Inventory: Draw whatever you like extra. Their favorite things, more headshots, chibi...

  • Font: Arcade Classic


You're finished with your passport? No problem! Next is filling out your written Citizen Application!

Name: Insert Name

​Age: Insert age

Birthday: Insert birthday (ex: Fall 23)

Gender & Pronouns: Insert gender and pronouns

​Species: Insert species

​Height: Insert height here

Sexuality: Insert Sexuality

​Occupation: Insert desired jobs (2 maximum, your top choice and your second choice)

Favorite Gifts:

​Loved Gifts:

​Disliked Gifts:

​Hated Gifts:

Personality: 4 positives & 4 Negatives Traits

History: Write your character's bio here and how they got to the point of wanting to move to Bluebell and apply for their new job after receiving the letter.

Extra: Write anything you feel you want to add about your character

Now that you are done, make sure to send your application in Discord in the "Finished Application" channel. We wouldn't want Town Hall to lose your application!

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