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There are three different types of species currently in the realm. Each of them have special traits, but do not let that limit your imagination!

  • Human

  • Elves

  • Hybrids


  • Humans are the most common known Species in the realm.

  • They have ordinary traits. 

  • Most humans are found doing manual labor or handling businesses.


  • Elves are the second most popular species in the realm. They usually stick together.

  • Most Elves come from wealthy families.

  • Elves have great potential for magic. Their magical ability is often better than other speciess. 

  • Elves can live up to over 500 years.

  • Elves excel with magic, businesses, and trading.


  • Hybrids are shy. Hybrids are the descendants of cursed humans who were turned into beasts as a punishment. It is why they are sometimes looked at in a bad light.

  • Hybrids have animal traits, but are mostly human looking. They may have better hearing, better sight, or little things of the sort than the other species.

  • Hybrids thrive in the forests and ocean. Fishing and Farm work usually is good for them.

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