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The Mage, The King, & The Knight

A war that ruined the world. A war that nearly destroyed an entire race. Still, those who fought for freedom became victorious. 

Ah, but beauty in bloodshed does not exist. A happy ending was instead a fair trade. A trade that would bring peace to the lands for the time being.
Three parties sat at the grand table. The Mage, The King, and the knight, each putting aside their own beliefs and pride for their people. 

Hence was the beginning of the three armies. 


The Knighthood:
A military created for the peace of each country. Each military follows their kingdom’s rules and protect their civilians. They are known as the police but are trained to be skillful in battle should they need to fight. The Knights are loyal to Likovia’s army and follow the gods ruling.

The Royal Military:
Fierce and strong. Protectors of Laikia, where the royal family still resides. The royal military promises riches and titles as long as they swear their oath to the crown. The training is brutal, and soldiers are replaceable. One must be great to protect the royal family and to earn their place in the royal court. Battling the mages is no easy task.

The Great Mages of Likovia:
Under the ruling of their ancestors, they grow and learn. Gifted with magic, they spend their lives studying in Likovia’s capital at the great magic academy. They swear an oath to the gods. An oath that they shall protect the world from the darkness of the great war. They carry the kingdoms on their shoulders and spend their lives perfecting their ability.

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