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The creation of Gods

Looking upon the world as it is currently, most would say that it is an era of peace and prospect. Despite the few civil wars still happening, the world is at its finest.

However, what if I, my dear reader, were to reveal to you the secret behind such a peaceful world?

It is common to hear legends and fairytales of heros and mages. Great beings wielding an immense power.

Just a few hundred years ago, would you believe that there were far more than just a handful of those heros and mages walking among humans?

Before the great war, magic was common among individuals. It was powerful and beautiful. Full of life and wonders. True, some were stronger than others, but there was no need to compare among each other.

That was, until the royal family declared war among the countries and kingdoms. 

They were vile and corrupted leaders, blinded by power and riches. Fire raged across the land, taking villages, homes, and lives. 

As their enemies grew stronger, so did their greed.

The mages were summoned to court after a gruesome defeat. As royal soldiers laid helpless, a new decree ordered magic users of any age to fight for their king. The elderly, the adults, the children.... all of them were condemned to fight on the battlefield, turning something beautiful into a weapon.

They proved themselves to be useful in battle. Skills that were out of this world awarded them victory after victory. However, it also brought fear to the royal family.

As the final battle occurred, another special order was given to the royal soldiers. One that would eradicate nearly an entire race.

And so ended the Great War.

While normal soldiers rejoiced and celebrated their victory, no more than a few dozens of mages returned from the fields. Among them stood six individuals without a single scratch. Though their faces appeared somber and heartbroken, a raging fire shimmered in their eyes.

A man of very little word, but a big temper with fiery hair that wielded the power of fire.

A small child with a laugh that warms up a heart that wielded the power of earth.

A beautiful and delicate lady with a piercing gaze who wielded the power of water.

A young boy with a bit of a mischievous side to him who wielded the power of wind.

A young woman who often did as she pleased like the conniving little one she was who wielded the power of darkness and light.

And finally, the strongest of all, a woman filled with hope and dreams that were being ripped away by grief who wielded each elements as she pleased.

Nobody knows what happened to the Royal family's power after the great war. 

All we know is that a new court had been established. The court of the gods.

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