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How do events work in this group?

Well, events are divided into categories. This group is VERY laid back meaning that BlueBell doesn't really have a 'story' per say. It's simply a world building rp group. Our goal is to expand. Some NPCS will be introduced and they will unlock some things.

Now, let me explain the categories of events!

RP and Drawing prompts:

  • Require no mods

  • Can be rped in private

  • Depending on the event, it may be a draw only prompt or an rp only prompt. It will be written what it is!

  • A command bot may be involved for fun.

  • Drawing Ex: It's pajama day today! draw your OC in pajamas to gain 500G!

  • RP Ex: The fortune teller is in town! RP in The Festival Square to gain 500G!

  • Both Ex: The moonstone festival is happening. It's quite romantic! Rp or draw your OC attending to earn 500G!

Location RP Prompt:

  • Small Mod attention - will give small details as the activity goes on(the sun goes down/ the fireworks are about to begin, people begin to settle down etc.)

  • If you noticed above, the fortune teller prompt tells you which chatroom to rp in. If you do not rp in that chatroom, you will NOT receive a reward. This is to push people to rp with everyone.

  • Ex: It's the fireworks festival! Everyone come to The Beach at 8:00 pm to watch the fireworks!

Small Events prompt:

  • Medium Mod attention 

  • Mods will provide a bit more details for events like these. (some prompts given during the event, but still casual)

  • They will have a location.

Mandatory Events:

  • Mandatory!

  • High mod attention

  • At the end of each season you will have a mandatory event that will reward you with something special. 

  • Sign ups for the event


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